History of Sacred River Ministries
Spirituality rooted in a deeply loving and vibrantly communal God was actually present in the purest teachings of Jesus and was recorded in the discussions of many early philosophers. As well, these knowings are well rooted in the beliefs and traditions of Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna, Mohammed, Confucius, Moses, Gandhi and many others. Today, there are a multitude of beautiful, modern, relevant churches sprouting up to share the wonderful news that the love, guidance and divinity of a caring, proactive God is intimately present to and within each person.
Sacred River Ministries was born out of a recognition that many mainline spiritual traditions were not responding to the inherent need of all souls to be enriched by a God who actively nurtures, feeds, guides, inspires and supports them rigorously on their daily journey.
Sacred River Ministries was formed to create a church of healing, inspiration and oneness with a most loving, all-present God and with each other. It was founded in the knowing that people could find greater understanding and experience of the Divine in both vibrant spiritual community and in personal, inner work and reflection.
Sacred River Ministries was called forth with five main purposes:
- To create a gathering place of all faith backgrounds for experiencing the diverse richness of God's presence and expression
- To conduct worship services and sacraments
- To administer healing and counseling services for all in need of renewal, enrichment and direction
- To offer educational programs on the omnipotent, unconditional nature of God’s loving presence and healing energy.
- To connect and align all people with a deep, inherent understanding of their infinite worth, purpose and potential
Finally, Sacred River Ministries was launched with the passion and conviction of bringing fresh expression to the role, image and intention of God in every life as best reflected through the unmistakable fusion of Divinity and Humanity.